Removing users from your account

How to remove users from your account and filter to show current users only

If you are using Luceo over multiple seasons there's a good chance you will have a change to your player roster or staff. Here is how you remove users that you no longer wish to have access to your account. 


1. Open the menu in the upper-left of your browser (blue button)

2. Select "Team Setup & Settings" from the drop-down menu

Step 1

1. Make sure that "users" is highlighted (1)

2. Enter your team account name (2)

3. Make sure "Team Member" is selected (3)

4. Go to the "teams and Roles"column and press the team link in the user's column

Step 2

1. turn the toggle next to the team name off (orange = on)

2. Hit "save"

Step 3

The user's name will disappear from the user table. If you need to re-activate for any reason just turn off the "Team Member" filter and you'll be able to see all former users who have been removed.