TNT Tropang Giga advances with Luceo Sports
Active Consultant: Mark Dickel
Head Coach: Bong Ravena
Assistant Coaches: Josh Reyes, Alton Lister, Sandy Arespacochaga
Team Manager: Gabby Cui

In the spring of 2020, as most of the world was canceling sports and beginning their country-wide lockdowns in response to COVID-19, one sports league in Southeast Asia was already creating a bubble for the PBA (Philippines Basketball Association).
In a response to the limitations the PBA put in place to curb the spread of COVID-19; one team, in particular, used this as an opportunity to help elevate their organizational communication between players and coaches.
The TNT Tropang Giga organization and assistant coach Josh Reyes were in search of the best basketball technology solution to keep their players and coaches plugged in 24/7, all while social distancing.
Read the full ESPN Story -> HERE.

“The quick onset of the pandemic presented an assortment of challenges to our entire organization”, says TNT assistant Josh Reyes. “We were looking for a system that would help make our lives as coaches easiest, without adding even more work to our already overwhelmed plates. The Luceo Sports team stepped right in immediately with their state-of-the-art app, Assist. Assist allowed the staff to teach our entire offensive and defensive system while on lockdown.”
Assist is every team member's go-to place for answers, and the cornerstone of the Luceo Sports platform. Everything about how your team operates described in engaging bite-sized chunks, and automatically turned into competitive memory games, all in one secure app.

Coach Reyes reported back to Luceo Sports how easy it was to get his staff and players into the app. “The ease and accessibility of the Luceo Assist app to be downloaded instantly from the App Store made this a seamless experience for our players. Furthermore, we had a direct line to the Luceo Sports support team which helped us navigate the features of the app and assisted us in populating our playbook.”