User Permissions

Remove other users from your account, a single team, or change their current role and/or permissions

Everything below is done in the Team Setup & Settings app (

Remove a user from your account (and all teams)

  1. Click on the user's link in the "Organizations" column
  2. Change the toggle from on to off
  3. To reactive the user, simply turn the toggle back on!

Remove a user from one, but not all, teams

  1. Click on the user's link in the "Teams & Roles" column
  2. Here you can assign the user to a different role, and remove / add them from just that team - while keeping their account active

Change a user's app permissions

  1. Click on the user's link in the "Apps & Permissions" column
  2. Here you can turn any app your team has access to off and on, as well as set any app specific permissions such as Assist's self-destruct timer.