Getting Started: Teaching Your Playbook

This article walks you through how to use the "Playbook" template to make it a more effective teaching tool

Structure & Purpose

Research has shown that people forget up to 70% of what they hear the first time they hear it. There is only so much practice time available. Building your playbook on Luceo allows your players to have access to the instruction they need whenever they need it.

By recording walkthroughs of your plays and creating games testing their ability to remember those plays your players will retain more critical information necessary for execution. 

This is about increasing quality of mental reps by providing 24-7 access to the information they need. It also allows you to see who is putting the most work into learning, what things they are focused on and what level of mastery they have of the playbook. 

A working "Teaching the Playbook" example has been included for you test on your phone in the Luceo Assist app. It's located inside "Getting Started".  

Covered in this tutorial:

Editing/Adding Groups

We started you out with a basic structure that lets you group your playbook into specific categories. The structure makes it easy for players to find specific information, review it and test their knowledge.

There are two simple ways to customize this template for your needs: 

Editing Group Names

This lets you change the name of the existing group. 


Clone Group: 

This lets you copy an entire group in order to create a new one. 

Playbook - 2

Adding Plays to Playbook

We've included over 200 pre-drawn plays in your account to help you build out your playbook faster. The "Starter Pack" is located at the bottom of "Getting Started" and is organized into several sub-folders - BLOB's, SLOB's, PnR, etc.

These plays were hand-picked by top Pro and College coaches to fit a variety of systems in order to cut down on the amount of play drawing required to get going. (even more plays HERE).

Moving the plays

Highlight the play and use "concept lives in" button to add it to your playbook.

Playbook - 3

Editing the name

Editing play names can helps you customize terminology and make content easier to read.  

Playbook 4

Setting Up Quiz Games

We picked two quizzes for each section of your playbook that works best for memorization. "What's the Play?" tests a player's ability to see a play diagram and/or video clip and remember its name. "How's it Run?" let's them pick any of the 5 positions and test their knowledge of where that player sets up to start the play and every action they're responsible for in its execution. 

Here's how you add your plays to the from the playbook to the associated quizzes: 

Add to "What's the Play?"

Use "Manage Concepts" to add all the plays to the game. Then repeat for "How's it run?" Playbook 5

NOTE: the drop down menu's select the DESTINATION you want to put content in. The four columns below that let you pick the SOURCE that you want to add from. In the example above the game is the DESTINATION and the source is "Playbook 3"

Game Settings

Check the settings for each game. They should match the settings found in the "Teaching the Playbook" example games in "Getting Started".

Game Settings

Recording Play Walkthroughs

Your coaching is what makes your playbook truly effective. Understanding the reason a play is effective and what you are trying to accomplish helps player's remember the details of its execution better. 

Inside the Luceo Assist mobile app record quick 1-2 minute video walkthroughs of each of your plays, so your players have access to your instructions and coaching insight on-demand. 

(make sure to download the Luceo Assist app to your phone and/or tablet first)

Check Mobile app Settings

You want to make sure that your coaching moment settings are set to "save to last concept". (Other helpful settings can be found HERE.) 

Last one

Recording in the app

Go to the play you want to record your walkthrough about. Use the record button (circle) to record your walkthrough of the play. If you mess up a take just stop the recording and hit "cancel" instead of "save". Then go again. 


Saving to the right location

You want to save the walkthrough of the play in the same location as the play. When you stop your recording all the menu options should match the location of the play. Make sure to verify that the name of the play is in the last box. 

Coaching Moment menu-1

Checking Player "Stats"

We've put in easy ways to check the study habits of your players in order to trust that the work is being done when they aren't in practice or in the film room.

  • The "View History" button shows you Who's looked at a play and you can click on their name to see how often they've actually watched it.
  • The "Top 5" leaderboard on each game gives you a valuable weapon to help tap into your player's competitive instincts.

Have them send screenshots to the group chat every time someone sets a high score and you'll soon have them competing to be the best at doing their homework.